Dear Holly Moors,

What a wonderful way to wake up with a letter like yours. I often feel that
I’m totally forgotten. Certainly my books don’t sell, and neither my
publishers nor I know why. As it happens, a Dutch translation of “All For
Love” is in progress, the translator being Jos den Bekker, but there hasn’t been a single foreign translation of any of the other books in Continents of Exile, although some critics have compared it to Proust’s “À la recherche du temps perdu.” The two works are, of course, very different, but they do have some resemblances.

Even as I write, the tenth volume, “Dark Harbor,” is going to press, and the
eleventh and final volume, “The Red Letters,” is now ready, waiting for its
turn in 2004.

With all good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Ved Mehta