19 juni 1965...

de titel


het begin van de zogenaamde brief van seymour...

my independence is skin deep...

met een deel van een cartoon...

a nameless inertia...

let me quickly pass on to more general topics...

his very name brings the usual fluid to my eyes...

i have some acquaintance with this petty problem...

the situation is thoroughly subtle and rotten...

life has its share of honorable thrills...

splendid or even quite presentable toes...

considering my absurd age...

there is monumental work to be done in this appearance...

met "spot"...

all forms of human folly and bestiality touch a very sympathetic chord within our breasts...

it is an up hill struggle for her all the way...

my services as a conversationalist, these being the services of a child of seven, mind you!....

einde deel 1...