Categorie: Singer/songwriter (338)

susan cattaneo
all is quiet
maart 2022
known to be unknown
maart 2022
chanteur d'amour et de merde
- l'homme est un animal comme les autres
december 2021
the matthews baartmans conspiracy
(distant chatter)
december 2021
eric devries
song & dance man
november 2021
malcolm macwatt
oktober 2021
doug schmude
oktober 2021
sarah mcquaid
the st buryan sessions
oktober 2021
nathan bell
red white and american blues
(it couldn't happen here)
september 2021
annie gallup
oh everything
augustus 2021
jackson browne
downhill from everywhere
augustus 2021
jon boden
last mile home
augustus 2021
bard edrington
two days in terlingua
juli 2021
malcolm holcombe
tricks of the trade
juni 2021
son of the velvet rat
solitary company
mei 2021
gianmaria testa
april 2021
michael kelly
april 2021
rudi mo
all of me
maart 2021
april in your eyes
a tribute to the songs of john lilly
maart 2021
david olney en anana kaye
whispers and sighs
januari 2021
claude bourbon
home cooked
december 2020
anna elizabeth laube
december 2020
the gothic cowboy
- melvin litton
bare bones
november 2020
michael johnathon
november 2020